Hakan Öge

Hakan Öge

From: Hakan ÖGE To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2004 01:46 PM Subject: Ultra Çapa Hakkında

"Finally I have arrived in Gibraltar. Up to now, 90% of the places I have stopped I had the anchor in. Everywhere and every seabed the anchor hold tight at first attempt. I never had to try second time. I reversed the engine and forced repeatedly, the more I pulled the more difficult it became to bring back the anchor, indicating it digs itself deeper. Now I rarely dive to check the anchor and it always stays as shown in the textbooks."
I think you are manufacturing one of the best anchors in the world. Let's see how it is going to perform at the stormy bays of the south."
Hakan Öge - www.hakanoge.com
Translated from this e-mail;
From: Hakan ÖGE
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday , November 07, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: Capa
It has been a while. I especially did not write you but I hope you had been following.
I went very South for now. One storm passes and the other comes. The anchor worked great till now. It kept on holding safely under weathers that all other anchors dragged.
Translated from this e-mail;
From: Hakan ÖGE
Sent: December 08, 2004 23:43 PM
Re: Demirleme ve Demir(www.hakanoge.com'dan alıntı.)
The anchor that I use now is the Ultra made in Turkey. The reason that I chose that it was designed by a naval architect and it is the developed and perfected shape of S…. anchor which is also a very good anchor. S…. owners have commends about it at a lot of foreign boat magazines. Anyhow I think it is the most expensive anchor in market for today.
To develop the anchor that I use they did small models of all other anchors and worked on them.
I was persuaded when they showed me and I fitted it as the main anchor.
The best feature of the anchor is the lead inside of the tip. Because of that, half weight of the anchor is at the tip. S…. uses the same technique, too. Consequently, the tip of the anchor wants to touch the sea bed first. Additionally side wing plates makes the anchor come to the digging position even it is positioned on its one side on the sea bed. On the other hand, they do breaking tests of all anchors.
Those are theoric. In pratic, I anchored nearly at all places in Mediterranean Sea. I used the anchor on all kinds of sea beds. Due to ultra is a new designed anchor, at each time I dove and looked. I had not seen the anchor unburied on the sea be even for once. My previous anchor C..(it is my stern anchor now) does not perform like this except on mud, mostly it was lying on one side. I had positioned it by diving for so many times.
Those are my experiences. However, there is not only one right at seamanship.
Hakan Oge
Translation: Erkutay YUCEL
(P.S.: You can find Hakan OGE’s original turkish message in turkish part.)

Ultra Products West

"Finally I have arrived in Gibraltar. Up to now, 90% of the places I have stopped I had the anchor in. Everywhere and every seabed the anchor hold tight at first attempt. I never had to try second time. I reversed the engine and forced repeatedly, the more I pulled the more difficult it became to bring back the anchor, indicating it digs itself deeper. Now I rarely dive to check the anchor and it always stays as shown in the textbooks."
I think you are manufacturing one of the best anchors in the world. Let's see how it is going to perform at the stormy bays of the south."
Hakan Öge - www.hakanoge.com
Translated from this e-mail;
From: Hakan ÖGE
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday , November 07, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: Capa
It has been a while. I especially did not write you but I hope you had been following.
I went very South for now. One storm passes and the other comes. The anchor worked great till now. It kept on holding safely under weathers that all other anchors dragged.
Translated from this e-mail;
From: Hakan ÖGE
Sent: December 08, 2004 23:43 PM
Re: Demirleme ve Demir(www.hakanoge.com'dan alıntı.)
The anchor that I use now is the Ultra made in Turkey. The reason that I chose that it was designed by a naval architect and it is the developed and perfected shape of S…. anchor which is also a very good anchor. S…. owners have commends about it at a lot of foreign boat magazines. Anyhow I think it is the most expensive anchor in market for today.
To develop the anchor that I use they did small models of all other anchors and worked on them.
I was persuaded when they showed me and I fitted it as the main anchor.
The best feature of the anchor is the lead inside of the tip. Because of that, half weight of the anchor is at the tip. S…. uses the same technique, too. Consequently, the tip of the anchor wants to touch the sea bed first. Additionally side wing plates makes the anchor come to the digging position even it is positioned on its one side on the sea bed. On the other hand, they do breaking tests of all anchors.
Those are theoric. In pratic, I anchored nearly at all places in Mediterranean Sea. I used the anchor on all kinds of sea beds. Due to ultra is a new designed anchor, at each time I dove and looked. I had not seen the anchor unburied on the sea be even for once. My previous anchor C..(it is my stern anchor now) does not perform like this except on mud, mostly it was lying on one side. I had positioned it by diving for so many times.
Those are my experiences. However, there is not only one right at seamanship.
Hakan Oge
Translation: Erkutay YUCEL
(P.S.: You can find Hakan OGE’s original turkish message in turkish part.)

From: Hakan ÖGE To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2004 01:46 PM Subject: Ultra Çapa Hakkında
About Ultra Marine West