Rondy Dike

Rondy Dike

Ultra Anchors Att; Erkutay Yucel <[email protected]> and Randy Boelsems QuicklineUSA <[email protected]>

Dear Sirs

I just wanted to let you know your “Ultra Flip Swivel” really works great.

I have tried it many times now and feel its safe to let my wife stow the anchor.  It simplicity, in flipping the anchor over into the correct stowage position prior to being is pulled over the bow roller works every time.

Again thanks for a great product.

I am also looking forward to picking up one of your Ultra Anchors at the Seattle Boat show this mouth.  I was very impressed with the demostration.

Yours truly

Rondy Dike


Union SteamShip Co. Marina

Ultra Products West

Dear Sirs

I just wanted to let you know your “Ultra Flip Swivel” really works great.

I have tried it many times now and feel its safe to let my wife stow the anchor.  It simplicity, in flipping the anchor over into the correct stowage position prior to being is pulled over the bow roller works every time.

Again thanks for a great product.

I am also looking forward to picking up one of your Ultra Anchors at the Seattle Boat show this mouth.  I was very impressed with the demostration.

Yours truly

Rondy Dike


Union SteamShip Co. Marina

Ultra Anchors Att; Erkutay Yucel <[email protected]> and Randy Boelsems QuicklineUSA <[email protected]>
About Ultra Marine West